
WordPress Updates

Companies of all sizes and types can get hacked and this why Security should always be a priority for a business, a hacked website can lead to a lack of trust towards your business.

To keep your site secure we recommend you keep your site software up to date. Our normal hosting packages include general server maintenance, which keeps most of the site software up to date and secure.

One thing we don’t keep updated is WordPress, This is because themes and plugins don’t usually place nice being updated automatically. Things break, and it may takes months for you to notice.

New releases come out every few months for WordPress. They include new security features, and fixes to known vulnerabilities.

When security holes are found in software such as WordPress, they very quickly get spread to malicious actors. Who then try to attack websites with the known vulnerabilities. Keeping WordPress up to date solves most of these vulnerabilities and also helps your website working as well as it was when it was shipped.

An Example of a hacked website

Update Schedule

We recommend that our clients update their site on a monthly schedule. This may be too often for some of our small clients and because of this, we offer our update on Monthly or Quarterly schedules

WordPress updates

We do regular updates to sites that are signed up with this package

Available on different update schedules


  • Updates of WordPress core.
  • Updates of plugins that are compatible with latest version of WordPress.
  • Rollback of updates if functionality of the site is comprised.

Got Any Questions?

Do you update the plugins as well as WordPress?
Yes, if there is an update available. If a plugin has been abandoned by the developer, we will recommended a replacement plugin which may require an additional fee.
Can you do once off updates?
Yes, we are available to perform a once off WordPress and Plugin Updates. We do however recommend regular updates to ensure that websites are properly protected against attacks. Missing WordPress and Plugin Updates are the leading cause of a website becoming compromised.
Does this guarantee my site wont get hacked?
No, however this does significantly reduce the possibility. Missing WordPress and Plugin Updates are the leading cause of a website becoming compromised. Additionally as part of our regular update process we retain historical backup of the website, so if it does we can recover your site easier.
Can I do the updates myself?
Yes. Most of the time WordPress Updates are a straight forward process. Occasionally something will go wrong and it will need the professional experience of a developer to resolve the issues, which may not be immediately available. Clients of our service enjoy having a developers perform the updates to ensure if something doesn't go to plan, we can immediately rectify the process. Our experience across many sites also gives us an advantage in terms of knowing which updates are problematic and need special attention.